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A member registered May 16, 2017

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I ran into the same issue as you, and I concluded that the joystick stuff is disabled at this time. I also confirmed my pad worked in Windows 10.

I totally understand. Still, if you want someone to read over the docs before a release, I would love to help. I do this kind of thing for customer-visible knowledge base articles at work.

If you need help with the documentation, whether it's editing or layout or something, let me know. I'd be happy to help.

The importer is picky on making sure that colors match across the board. If you are off or missing colors in the sprites.png that don't exist in the colors.png, they are ignored. I will look into a way to help debug import via the log so you can have more visibility into what is happening when everything is parsed

This threw me off for a couple hours as well. It would help to have a blurb about this in the document section related to loading sprites. Maybe just something that mentions the issue and points the reader back to the color map section for further information.

I could definitely get behind a DrawRect(), DrawCircle() and especially DrawLine().

The ability to draw things like targeting rays, or draw primitive things to a buffer once and then repeatedly draw that to the screen buffer would be awesome.